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Hello, it's me!

Hey there!

It has been quite some time since the last time I posted something on my blog. The reason for that was my Instructional Design course had come to an end and I thought I don't have anything else to post here. I was wrong.

Now I am a 3rd-year-student and I am about to graduate in a year. So I decided to keep posting stuff such as my assignments, lesson plans, activities, worksheets, and comments about things related to ELT. By doing this, I will be able to observe my progress in trying to become a competent English teacher. At the same time, maybe I can help you come up with creative ideas and show the students of the English language teaching department an example of how kind of a journey they will go through.

I hope that this pandemic will be over eventually, and we will be able to live our lives as we used to do. Until then, stay home and stay safe.

Take care!


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