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Teaching English Through Literature I - Activity Design

Hey there!

This term we're taking the course called ''Teaching English Through Literature I''. Our midterm assignment was to design some activities which will go along with the book names ''James and the Giant Peach'' by Roald Dahl. While we were planning our activities, we worked as a group of four. Each of us designed an activity for different parts of the book.

When working on a literary text, or a book, a teacher should start with engaging the learners with the book and getting them into the mood with some ''First Encounters'' activities. Then, while reading the book, to increase the understandability of the book, ''Maintaining Momentum'' activities goes into the scene. After the maintaining momentum activities are done, the next activity type should be ''Exploiting Highlights'' which means that designing some activity with the important information in the book. The last activity type is ''Endings'' which is kind of self-explanatory.

For each type of activity, our coursebook included some different activity options. For example,

First Encounters: Using the title & cover design

Maintaining Momentum: True/False

Exploiting Highlights: Agony Aunt

Endings: Writing a blurb

I was responsible for preparing a first encounters activity. I was supposed to create this activity by using the title & cover design of the book. I designed a worksheet on Canva, one of my favorite web 2.0 tools, and I wrote the questions taking advantage of Bloom's Taxonomy. You can see my worksheet below.

Take care!


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